Collaborating with confidence

Live class led by Michael J. Metts

Collaboration is a fact of life. From getting a project done at work to figuring out where to meet up for dinner with friends, it’s rare that we get to decide or control everything on our own.

So what makes a good collaborator? What skills can you use to rally people around a common cause or bring together different personalities?

In this workshop, you’ll learn practical collaboration skills you can use right away, while exploring what your own leadership style looks like.

A notebook on a desk.

What’s included:

  • 3 hours of training, activities, and discussion, with breaks throughout

  • Recordings of the talk portions

What people are saying

Michael leads the workshop discussions and activities from a place of experience and empathy.

- Jeffrey

I learned specific techniques that I can use right away, and I came away feeling empowered.

- Doris

The exercises that we did can be applied to my current job and got the wheels turning about how I could handle some of the current challenges I'm facing. I also loved the focus on the different types of leadership. Some of them surprised me, but it was great to stop and think about how I can lead and influence.

- Jennifer

How it works

We’ll have a mix of teaching, activities, and discussion. We'll have a few short breaks (5-10 mins) throughout the session.

Each class is limited to 24 attendees to make sure small group activities and discussions are valuable for everyone. There will also be a second facilitator helping the instructor with logistics, activities, and any support you may need.

Who it’s for

This class is great for anyone who wants to feel more confident stepping up and bringing people together. If you want to grow your ability to lead a group of people toward better outcomes in your personal or professional life, this is for you.

No matter what job role you have, whether you manage other people or not, this class will help you find your own way to lead.

Topics we’ll cover

  • Practicing your own leadership: Finding a way to be a leader that reflects who you want to be and what you value

  • Facilitation as a leadership skill: Learn skills and techniques that you can use to bring people together around a common goal

  • Problem framing: Get a deeper understanding of how you can use language to reframe problems and get better results

Technology and tools we’ll use

We’ll use a Zoom call with breakout rooms for the class. We’ll use a main room for teaching and discussion, and smaller breakout rooms for some activities. Video is welcome, but not required. Participate however you’re comfortable.

Equity pricing

We offer 6 equity tickets to each class that are dramatically reduced in price. These are intended to help people who are unemployed, underrepresented, or experiencing other types of inequity.

This is all on the honor system. Please don’t buy one if this doesn’t describe you. Especially don’t buy one if your company is paying for the class.

Refunds and transfers

Due to the time-sensitive nature of live classes, we can’t offer refunds. However, if you’re not able to attend and want to transfer your ticket to someone else, just let us know.

Code of conduct

This class is provided by Metts Strategy LLC, the business behind Leading Like You. We’re dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. All attendees must adhere to the Metts Strategy Code of Conduct.

Certificates of completion

If you or your employer would like us to send a certificate saying you’ve completed the class and giving an overview of what you learned, we’re happy to do so. Just let us know.

About the instructor

Michael Metts is the founder of Leading Like You, and has long been passionate about helping other people find their own ways to influence and lead. He began his career as a writer and content pro, and is the co-author of Writing is Designing: Words and the User Experience. He is a maker and teacher who has done dozens of classes, workshops, and speaking engagements all over the world. He lives with his family on the south side of Chicago.